Weaving Soil Science Across Cultures & Environments
A Joint NZSSS and SSA Conference
2nd to 5th December 2024,
Rotorua Energy Events Centre, NZ

Oral Abstracts
Poster Abstracts
In order of last name
In order of last name
Click handbook above to view and download
Click handbook above to view and download
On behalf of the Joint NZSSS & SSA 2024 Conference Committee, it is with pleasure that we announce that the Call for Abstracts is now open!
We welcome a broad range of abstracts around our conference theme “Weaving soil science across cultures & environments”.
Individual (oral and poster) submissions are invited in the following subject areas (themes):
Please submit an abstract only if you intend to attend and present your abstract in person.
Development & implementation of soil and land policy
Soil security
Soil Monitoring
Degraded soils, their effects, and rehabilitation
The role of soil in human health and well-being
The value of urban soils
Applied agricultural soil management
Sustainable forestry soils
Soil biology & biodiversity
Soil biogeochemistry
Soil physics
Soils in a changing climate
Technological advances in lab and field measurement
Pacific islands soil management
Soils in the landscape
Soil data and information systems
Soil science education, outreach and professional development
Integrating indigenous soil knowledge
Read the following guidelines and requirements
Upload your abstract via the online abstract portal by 30 August 2024
Receive notification by email on or before 5 October 2024
Register for the conference before 31 October 2024 (earlybird closes 31 October)
Prepare your presentation. Details will be online in due course and included in your notification email.
Please take the time to read these guidelines ahead of the Conference.
General Information
Please visit the registration desk when you first arrive at the Conference to collect your name badge and other related materials.
Time allocated to presentation
Each paper has been allocated 10 minutes for delivery (not including questions).
The programme is subject to change, therefore please ensure you check for any changes to the “programme changes” board on site which will have an up-to-date programme.
In the interests of fairness, please ensure that you keep to your allotted time frame. It is essential that presenters keep to time across the entire programme to ensure equity for all and to allow delegates to plan the sessions they wish to attend.
All sessions will have a dedicated chairperson who will introduce presenters to the lectern in sequence. Chairs will time presentations and provide a warning at 2 minutes remaining.
Audio Visual Equipment
Please load your presentation with the AV technician, please ask the registration team for directions. Presentations are required to be loaded at least 3 hours before your session.
In the unlikely event of a technical problem, a technician will be present onsite to attend to the issue.
Presentations requiring video can be accommodated; however, we request that you arrive on site early to confirm the details and test the facilities.
Please note: Presenters are requested to contact us as soon as possible for requests outside of the standard AV equipment provisions. Note, additional equipment cannot be guaranteed.
Speaker Preparation & PowerPoint Presentations
16:9 aspect ratio is preferred to match our screens.
Microsoft PowerPoint presentation format loaded onto a USB
General Guidelines
• Keep slides succinct and simple
• Text size should not be smaller than 24 point - be brief on slides
• Use high contrast text and plain backgrounds
Special Effects
Special effects should be used sparingly. Presenters wishing to use audio effects should advise the on-site audiovisual technical staff. Please do not select random transitions in the PowerPoint menu or the audience will notice the effects more than the presentation.
All posters should be A0, and portrait orientation. Poster boards will be located in the main catering and trade exhibitors area. Please ensure your poster is installed by Tuesday 10am. Velcro dots will be supplied to secure your poster to the poster boards.
Your poster will stay up for the duration of the Conference. Please take it down before 5 December 5pm
If you have any questions at all in regards to your presentation please email lea@on-cue.co.nz
All abstracts must be original work.
Abstracts must be free of typographical and grammatical errors and use sentence case for headings.
Submission acknowledges consent to publication of the abstract in the conference proceedings and via the mobile phone application.
The presenting author will be required to register for the conference in order to ensure their abstract(s) is included in the final program by 20 October 2024
All submissions must be completed electronically via the online submission facility. If you are unable to submit in this manner, please contact the conference managers
All abstracts must be prepared according to the abstract format and layout guidelines provided.
There is no limit to the number of abstracts that may be submitted by an individual.
The Conference Organisers will not be held responsible for abstract submissions not received via the official online submission facility or for submission errors caused by internet service outages, hardware or software delays, power outages or unforeseen events.
All abstract notifications will be emailed to the submitting authors email address that was entered at the time of submission.
If you experience any technical issues while submitting your abstract, please contact Lea Boodee lea@on-cue.co.nz.
Pierre Roudier - Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research (Conference Chair)
Kirstin Deuss – Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research
Sam Carrick – Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research
Penny MacCormick – Bay of Plenty Regional Council
Natalie Bartlett – AgResearch
Carol Smith – Lincoln University
Megan Balks – University of Waikato
Rawiri Bhana – Bay of Plenty Regional Council
Sheree Balvert – Ballance
Jen Owens – Scion Research
Michael Walker – Chief Executive Officer, Soil Science Australia
Lea Boodee – OnCue Conferences
Abstract Submissions — Now Open
Early Bird Registrations — Now Open
Abstract Submissions — Close 30 August
Early Bird Registrations — Ends 20 October
Lea Boodee, OnCue Conferences