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Tim Clough

Immediate Past President

Lincoln University

Lincoln, Canterbury

I completed a BAgSci (Hons) in soil science at Lincoln College and started work at MAF’s Ruakura campus and was lucky enough to undertake his PhD while on staff there with Stewart Ledgard, through Lincoln University. I returned to Lincoln University as a Marsden Fellow in 1997, with Rob Sherlock and Keith Cameron, to examine the ‘Enigma of 15N balances’ and was lucky enough to receive fellowships to study N cycling processes, first with Jim Stevens in Belfast, 1998, and then using a Fulbright Senior Scholarship with Dennis Rolston, 2000, at UC Davis.

I currently hold a position as Prof. in Environmental Biocheochemistry at Lincoln University with interests in nitrogen and carbon cycling in agricultural and aquatic systems, greenhouse gas emissions, and the use of stable isotope techniques.

Editorial duties encompass serving as a section editor for Soil Biology & Biochemistry, as a technical editor on Journal of Environmental Quality, and as the Senior Editor for New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research.

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